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Documenting the installation at Generator.x

October 12, 2005

Today I’ve attempted to document my installation at the Generator.x exhibition. Ut was difficult as the listening room is fairly dar. Also it’s a installation of sound only so there’s not much to point the video camera at really. I also took a number of stills so I’ll have to see what I can come up with in the end.

I wrote an artist statement for the installation. Unfortunately the title of the work name of artist and the statement has never been put up somewhere outside the box.

The statement I sent to marius just before the opening (I was probably to late providing it to him) was in English. That’s sort of backward and stupid when the work is exhibited in Norway. So today I made a Norwegian version and mailed to the producer of the exhibition. Coming Sunday is the last day for the exhibition in Oslo but it will be touring for the next coupple of years. Hopefully the text will be included for the coming exhibitions.

I’m including English and Norwegian text below.

English version:

music as process music as weather
sound installation 2005
Trond Lossius

I used to go for walks at the Sandviken mountain in Bergen. Some spots I would come back to again and again observing how they changed with weather and season.

I have never wanted much to happen in the music I make. Instead I would like to create similar sonic environments to visit and revisit places drifting with subtle fluctuations at various time scales a kind of artificial nature free from traces of human influence.

For a long time I have wanted to use meteorological data as an input to control my work. Even when doing so the idea of escaping human presence turns out to be difficult to achieve. Changes in the atmosphere currently affects the climate. There is a lot of research being carried out at the moment to better understand the implications. For this project I’ve got access to data from simulations carried out at Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research studying the development of the climate to the year 2100 and beyond.

The parameters used to generate the sound of the installation are driven by a long term prognosis of the weather in Bergen 2046-2065. Time is accelerated so that a day passes in a minute or so. If you come back it might be another season another year. Most likely you won’t be able to recognize any long term changes.

too weak to even recognize
we travel on the quiet road
…the overload

Supported by Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen and Soundscape Studios A/S. The artist would like to thank Frode Flatøy at Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research for his generous assistance in preparing the data used in the project



Norwegian version:

music as process music as weather
lydinstallasjon 2005
Trond Lossius

Jeg pleide å gå turer på Sandviksfjellet. Noen steder kom jeg tilbake til igjen og igjen og så hvordan de skiftet med været og årstidene.

Jeg har aldri vært opptatt av at det skal skje så mye i den musikken jeg lager. I stedet har jeg ønsket å skape lydlige steder man kan oppsøke kanskje flere ganger. Jeg har hatt lyst at disse stedene skal ha en iboende drift fluktuasjoner på ulike tidsskalaer – en form for kunstig natur fri fra spor av menneskelig på virkning. Lenge har jeg hatt lyst å la værdata styre lydinstallasjoner.

Men det er ikke dermed sikkert at resultatet blir en uberørt virtuell natur. Vi er i ferd med å endre atmosfærens sammensetting og dermed klimaet. Til dette prosjektet har jeg fått tilgang til data fra simuleringer gjort ved Bjerknes senter for klimaforskning der de studerer klimaet frem til og forbi år 2100.

Lyden i denne installasjonen drives av en langsiktig prognose for været i Bergen i perioden 2046-2065. Tiden har blitt akselerert slik at en dag passerer på et minutt. Hvis du kommer tilbake er det kanskje en annen årstid og et annet år men de langsiktige endringene skjer så gradvis at de kan være vanskelig å oppfatte.

too weak to even recognize
we travel on the quiet road
…the overload

Støttet av Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen og Soundscape Studios A/S. Kunstneren vil spesielt takke Frode Flatøy ved Bjerknes senter for klimaforskning for generøs hjelp i arbeidet med å skaffe til veie data.