Some studies of projections in RGB color space.
In the RGB color space two points (colors) are chosen and represents the end points of a line segment. This line segment represents the colors that are possible to achieve by mixing the two colors.
Each pixel of the image is then considered a point in RGB space and projected the shortest possible distance onto the line segment. The line segment is restricted at both ends so that projected points falling outside the limits are clipped to the end points.
The process is simular to using a palett of two colors and then projecting the image onto the limited color space offered by mixing the two colors. The colorswatch image above is used for creating the first 6 images.
The images were created using Max/Jitter.
Some additional images to see how this work with actual images and textures:
Loudspeaker cable:
We are the robots:
Loudspeaker skyline:
By the lake:
Poème electronique:
Snow texture:
Rock texture I:
Rock texture II:
Picture from an exhibition: