A few days ago David Byrne mentioned an installation by Nadine Robinson at the Studio Museum of Harlem NY. “alles grau” is a sculptural sound-painting measuring over eleven by forty-five feet the sound-painting is installed into a wall and accompanied by dense fog that swirls through the exhibition space. Hundreds of speakers built into the piece play an assortment of popular dramatic soundtracks each derived from a different vernacular for the end of time. Formally the speakers in alles grau in grau malen mirror the figural arrangement of Michelangelo’s fresco The Last Judgment (c 1536-41) painted in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican in Rome. Robinson draws on the fresco’s
central horizontal band of figures to arrange undulating speakers mimicking the saints’twisting contorting
Information on quite a few more interesting works of hers can be found here from what seems to have been more or less a kind of retrospective exhibition.
While on Davids web pages make sure to tap into the net radio. One of the best mixes of interesting music I have heard in a long while. And whenever I hear artists complaining about Powerpoint presentations I start thinking of this.