Bergen National Academy of the Arts’first Research Fellow Trond Lossius completes his project:
Sound Installations and Other Cross-Diciplinary Projects
Viva Voce with the Research Fellow and the Appraisal Committee – part of the final assessment
Time: Friday 9 March at 1.300 pm – 4pm
Venue: Bergen National Academy of the Arts Dept of Fine Art C. Sundts gate 53 fifth floor (the door will be open from 1pm)
Trond Lossius has been a research fellow at Dept of Fine Art at KHiB for three years. He works with sound- and installation art as well as other cross-disciplinary projects. A sculptural exploration of the connections between sound space and time is central in his work. Sound is used both to explore and to widen space but can at the same time indicate other places and times so that various contemporary layers of space and time come into being. The Programme for Research Fellowships in the Arts has funded his studies.
The final appraisal is based on the artistic result documentation of the process and Lossius’comments on the process and its outcome and the Viva Voce. Lossius’most recent artistic project was exhibited at Hordaland Kunstsenter 3-12 November 2006.000 Lossius is the first Research Fellow in Bergen who has completed his Fellowship.
The Programme for Research Fellowships in the Arts is a national cross-disciplinary programme for the art educations and a parallel to academic PhD programmes. The Fellowship Programme has a three-year duration.
The members of the Evaluation Committee are:
Sally Jane Norman (chair) (CultureLab Newcastle University)
Brandon LaBelle (sound artist and writer London Consortium Birbeck College)
Perto Rastas (Museet för Nutidskonst Kiasma Helsinki)
The Viva Voce follows a fixed procedure:
– The Candidate gives an account of his project.
– The Appraisal Committee questions the Candidate.
– A brief Q& A session follows open to questions from the floor.
The Viva Voce is held in English.
More information about the the Programme for Research Fellowships in the Arts is available here.