Aims and Scope
Journal of Music Technology and Education is the only journal specifically dedicated to the educational aspects of music technology and the technological aspects of music. Peer-reviewed with an international editorial board JMTE aims to draw its contributions from a broad community of educators researchers and practitioners who are working closely with new technologies in the fields of music education and music technology education.
We regard such education in its widest sense with no bias towards any particular genre. Readership will therefore be wide and varied including those not only working within primary secondary and higher education but also researchers school teachers student teachers and other practitioners and professionals who wish to stay updated with the most recent issues
and developments surrounding the inter-relationship between music technologies and teaching and learning.
Editor: David Collins Doncaster College
Submission Details
The editorial team are always open to receiving submissions – there are no specific cut-off dates. We aim to have a turn-around time from submission to response from the editor following peer-review within approximately eight weeks. Articles should not normally exceed 6000 words in length should include full references bibliography and key-words and should also include an abstract of no more than 150 words. Illustrated articles are welcomed. Short reports may be submitted on related issues as well as conference reports book and pedagogically contextualized software/hardware reviews.
For more info please contact the editor David Collins
We would like to invite contributions in any aspect of the field such as:
Computer-mediated music composition in education
Music performance technologies
Audiation & aural awareness training systems
Music technology education & industrial practice
Computational musicology in Further and
Higher Education
Musical creativity and technology
Pedagogical aspects of electroacoustic
Classroom engagement with new technologies
Assessing student music technology practice