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[STSM] Getting stuff out of Jamoma - part I

April 20, 2009

One of the aims of Jamoma development is to enable querying of modules for vital information such as:

  • name of modules
  • name of module parameters
  • properties of module parameters
  • state of module parameters

This has to be automated, so that the system dynamically can respond to modules available the given time, as well as changes to module states.

Details of this work has been published in two papers for NIME 2008 and ICMC 2008.

The first task to solve in order to start using FTM for controlling Jamoma modules, will be to get information on and from Jamoma modules into FTM. And in order to do so, I have to be able to get the information out of Jamoma.

So the first task for today is to review how this is currently done in Jamoma, in order to build a prototype patch that can be used for interfacing to FTM.