Yesterday I set out to check out what current state is concerning the ability to retrieve information on OSC namespace etc. from Jamoma modules. Here’s an update. First part can be found here.
The C code used for core Jamoma externals seems to be in pretty good shape. I have not checked yet if all nitty-gritty details laid out in the NIME paper on OSC nodes last year are fully implemented yet in the C code of the externals, but as far as I can see the stuff I might need for the remainder of the STSM seems to be in place.
In addition to the externals there are a number of components (or abstractions in Max terminology) that is supposed to make life easier when dealing with querying and monitoring of Jamoma modules. These components were in much less of a completed state. I also found several parallel efforts towards some of the needs, and awkward naming of functions.
I have spent most of today cleaning up. I have added a bunch of new components and more important: Written a new Jamoma tutorial on how to retrieve information from existing Jamoma modules. The screenshot is from one of the example patches in the module. Hopefully this will help me remember how this work further down the road…
Some work still remains to be done, mainly trashing old and deprecated components, and make sure that they are not used in any of the modules.
I was skyping with Pascal Baltazar this morning to check if the changes I was planning might cause problems for him and ongoing Virage development.
Pascal also mentioned ongoing work on CopperLAN that sounds relevant and exciting. IRCAM seems to be connected to the project, and I think I might get the chance to discuss this further with Norbert Schnell one of the comming days.