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Last month in Jamoma: January 2010

February 4, 2010

Traditionally, January seems to be one of the most active months for Jamoma development. This year was no exception. Here are some highlights:

  • Jamoma Foundation project extended to allow compiling for the iPhone/iPod/iPad.
  • Jamoma DSP expanded through the addition of a new FFT Lib extension for spectral processing, based on the Ooura library.
  • Jamoma DSP’s Filter Lib optimization and clean-up work
  • Jamoma Multicore was largely re-written to address limitations of the internal architecture as it had previously existed.
  • Ruby language binding fleshed out and made to work doing live-coding DSP with Jamoma Multicore.
  • Jamoma Modular saw a continuation of work on the NodeLib (for managing tree structures of modules, parameters, etc.). The Virage DeviceManager (a daemon that loads plug-ins) has now been integrated through a new Max external called jcom.deviceManager. This allows communication with Minuit, OSC, CopperLan and potentially more protocols by building dedicated plugins.
  • Many other things have also been going. Not all of them can be listed, but some include: A UserLib module wrapping ol.autotalent~ (automatic pitch correction for MSP); jmod.cueManager/jcom.cuemanager improvements (cue moving, autofollow and comments features); website improvement; and new modules for motion capture retrieval and processing, including selecting models for marker placement and biomechanics, and GDIF implementation.