Still from There was a dream… by Sara Rajaei.
This weekend Stiftelsen 3,14 offers a four day video screening program with works by Sara Rajaei, Cynthia Marcelle, Elena Kovylina and Eva Ljosvoll. All four artists have exhibited previously at 3,14, and this is an opportunity to see more of their more recent works.
Three of the works are world premieres; Égalité Bergen by Elena Kovylina, based on a performance at Festplassen in Bergen December 6 last year, Ikke alle dørene er lukket by Eva Ljosvoll, and there was the dream and there was a memory connected with it by Sara Rajaei.
In addition three works by Cinthia Marcelle are presented; 475 Volver, ao plano and O século, and one additional work by Sara Rajaei; 1978 the 231st day.
I have co-curated the two works by Sara Rajaei for this exhibition. Yesterday I also helped Eva setting up a Mac for the screening of her work. Based on what I’ve seen so far, it is well worth taking the trip to 3,14 over the next few days.