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Compiling IEM plugins usinc Cmake

July 31, 2023

A note to myself after a way too long hiatus here at the blog:

Here is how to compile the IEM Ambisonics plugins using Cmake:

// Clone and set up repository with the JUCE submodule
git clone
cd IEMPluginSuite
git submodule init
git submodule update

// Set up build folder
mkdir build
cd build

// Set up Xcode project to build VST plugins only
cmake .. -GXcode -DIEM_BUILD_VST2=ON \

The Xcode project can be found in the build folder. Choose the ALL_BUILD scheme, and build. The VST plugins built will install to the ~/Library/Audio/Plugins/VST/IEM folder.

I have updated the code for a GainAdjust plugin I made a while back to boost signals from Zylia recordings, and I am currently working on some multi-channel DSP processors. Tye altered GUI works and compiles, but it remains to implement the DSP processing.