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Persistent Disequilibrium

May 3, 2024

Persistent Disequilibrium
by Pixels.Frames.Beats.Drones

Rosendal Teater, Trondheim, as part of Meta.Morf.

Friday 3. May 19:00
Saturday 4. May 19:00
Open exhibition Saturday 12:00 – 16:00 with artist talk at 15:00

What do environmental disasters, weather systems and psychological processes have in common? They are all chaotic systems. They are all processes that, when they are set in motion – even if something can be influenced – live their own lives. They are processes that cannot be stopped, and not least they create ripple effects beyond themselves.

This is the starting point for the artists behind the work Persistent Disequilibrium when they use new materials and techniques to create new instruments, expressions and images in an interaction that visually and sonically becomes a magically beautiful and almost geological exploration.

Don’t let the title scare you; trust the experience. How can sound set off a chain of events for everyday things like salt, flour, spices, paint pigment, coal, grain, pebbles and leaves? Can a soup of magnets give us the experience of standing in a lava field? Can things – set in motion – at different stations in a theatre almost become their own living ecosystem?

The group behind Persistent Disequilibrium works with ideas about resonance, vibration, circuits, reuse, field recording, perception (how we perceive something), and exploration of available material. The performance revolves around material exploration of feedback systems.

The work can be understood both as a performance and as an exhibition, through the fact that scenographic elements that emerge in the performance create a space that is left for the audience to explore afterwards.