March 2, 2007
The Free Software Foundation has released a paper detailing the five actions major hardware manufacturers can take to foster a mutually beneficial relationship with the free software community: support free software drivers end the – Microsoft Tax – remove proprietary BIOS locks support a free BIOS and reject Digital Restrictions Management (DRM).
Reposted from Digg
March 2, 2007
Nordic Society for Interarts Studies is pleased to announce its eighth
conference to be held at Vaxjo University Sweden 25-28 October 2007.000
What is intermediality? To answer this question one must first ask:
What is a medium and where do we find the gaps that intermediality bridges? In a similar way the questions What is interartiality?
and What is multimodality? require that the supposedly crossed
borders be described before one can proceed to the – inter – and
- multi. – And how are the notions intermediality interartiality and
multimodality actually related? Are they simply varying words
used by scholars from different disciplines but basically denoting
the same phenomenon? Or are there substantial differences that
justify different labels for dissimilar conceptions?
The aim of the conference is to illuminate these very basic queries
in order to facilitate communication and theoretical cross-fertilization over the borders between the aesthetic disciplines media &
communication studies linguistics etc. More specific questions that
might be asked are for instance: What happens from a historical
and social point of view when new media and art forms emerge
and are delimited? Where do we actually find the limits and border
crossings of intermediality and multimodality – in physical reality in the world of concepts or on the level of sense perception
and cognition? Is it advisable to promote models consisting of
semiotically mixed categories such as text/sound/image or should
one rather focus on the differences and relations between sense
channels? Are perhaps all works of art and communicative forms
essentially intermedial or multimodal? What are the theoretical
and practical implications of describing something as intermedial
or multimodal? What are the more precise differences and relations
between notions such as mass medium technical medium modal-
ity art form and genre?
Keynote speakers will be Siglind Bruhn (University of Michigan) W. J. T. Mitchell (University of Chicago) and Jürgen E. Müller (Universitat Bayreuth).
This invitation is primarily directed to senior scholars and doctoral
candidates. We welcome proposals both for papers that are fundamentally theoretical and/or historical dealing with essential and
cross-disciplinary issues and for papers that analyze and interpret
works and texts (in the widest sense of the word) that provoke
discussions of the above kind. Proposals for alternative forms of
presentation including for instance artistic performance may be
The time for paper presentations is strictly limited to 20 minutes
followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Official languages of the
conference are English Swedish Norwegian and Danish.
Please send your abstract (around 300 words) as an attachment to Submissions are due by 21 March 2007.000 You will
then be contacted by the conference committee no later than 4
April. Please let us know also if you wish to be registered as a passive participant. The conference fee will be SEK 1500 including
four lunches coffee and fruit twice a day at least one reception
one banquet and various artistic performances.
Please visit the website of the conference. It will be continuously
NorSIS Nordic Society for Interarts Studies:
Forum for Intermedial Studies (Ims) VäxjöUniversity (local
conference host): (Swedish)
March 11, 2007
Jamoma 0.4 has now been released! This is a major update to Jamoma that includes a rewrite of the entire core architecture. All of the core functionalities are now coded in C making this version faster more flexible clearer and easier-to-use.
There is a caveat though: 0.400 is not backwards compatible. Modules written using older versions of Jamoma (versions 0.3.x) will need to be adapted for 0.4. It isn’t hard to do but it does need to be done. The number of breakages and backwards compatibility problems should begin to slow dramatically at this point so massive breaks on this scale should not occur again in the foreseeable future.
Information on how to update modules to the new core can be found here.
March 12, 2007
Jamoma introductory workshop in Paris : March 23rd Ars Longa
The Jamoma collective will hold an introductory workshop on the
Jamoma framework for the French Max community. This workshop will
take place at the Ars Longa gallery in Paris on March the 23rd from
10AM to 6PM and will be free. Participants are encouraged to bring
their own laptops with Max installed and to help us prepare for
their presence by sending a mail to info AT seeusoon DOT net
This workshop has been made possible by the kind welcoming Ars Longa
gallery ( and by the invitation of the
Jamoma collective to France by the GMEA ( and
Incidents Mémorables (
Schedule of the workshop :
10:00 – Introduction philosophy history guiding principles etc.
11:00 – How to install and use Jamoma
12:00 – The core of Jamoma : analyzing a Jamoma module
01:00 – Lunch !
02:00 – How to make a module… hands-on session
03:30 – Namespace and mapping
04:00 – Using Jamoma for gesture analyzis
04:30 – Case Study: Jamoma in use
05:00 – Looking into the future Q& A suggestions?
The presentation will be led by the core Jamoma team :
Pascal Baltazar
Alexander Refsum Jensenius
Trond Lossius
Tim Place
Dave Watson
We look forward to seeing you there!
Atelier de présentation de Jamoma : 23 mars 10h-18h
Le collectif Jamoma proposera le 23 mars à la communauté Max/MSP/Jitter parisienne ainsi qu’aux artistes intéressés par l’écriture interactive sonore et visuelle un atelier de présentation du protocole qu’il développe :
Jamoma est un projet international et open source de développement d’une structure permettant l’échange et la réutilisation de " patches " (blocs de programmations) réalisés en Max/MSP/Jitter.
Les avantages d’un tel système sont entre autres :
De permettre à des artistes peu férus de programmation de profiter des ressources offertes par les systèmes tels que Max/MSP/Jitter sans avoir à passer par un apprentissage long et laborieux de ce logiciel : en réutilisant un certain nombre de briques déjà existantes ou en les adaptant à leurs usages.
De permettre la mutualisation du travail de développement en en regroupant la partie générique pour permettre aux artistes et programmeurs de se concentrer d’avantage sur la programmation spécifique et sur les aspects expressifs que techniques.
De faciliter l’inter-opérabilité avec d’autres systèmes notamment grâce à l’implémentation native et transparente pour l’utilisateur du protocole OSC.
Programme de la journée :
10:00 – Introduction philosophy history guiding principles etc.
11:00 – How to install and use Jamoma
12:00 – The core of Jamoma : analyzing a Jamoma module
01:00 – Lunch !
02:00 – How to make a module… hands-on session
03:30 – Namespace and mapping
04:00 – Using Jamoma for gesture analyzis
04:30 – Case Study: Jamoma in use
05:00 – Looking into the future Q& A suggestions?
La présentation sera menée par toute l’équipe de Jamoma : Tim A. Place Trond Lossius Alexander R. Jensenius Pascal Baltazar Dave Watson.
L’atelier se déroulera en langue anglaise de 10h à 18h et sera gratuit.
Les participants sont invités à amener leurs ordinateurs portables dans la mesure du possible et à signaler leur présence par mail à
Cet atelier a étérendu possible grâce à l’accueil par la galerie Ars Longa et à l’occasion de l’invitation en France du collectif par le GMEA (centre de création musicale d’Albi-Tarn ) et Incidents Mémorables (Compagnie et centre de ressources numérique et spectacle vivant).
March 15, 2007
I would have loved to get to Stockholm to see the exhibition by William Kentridge that is up at the moment. I doubt that I have the time (or money) to make it though… :-(
March 15, 2007
Atelier Nord is doing an (or two?) interesting workshops in early May tapping into the ever present electro-magnetic signals of the city. More info here.