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Blog archive for September 2007

Festival “Mal au Pixel” 2008 Paris.

September 12, 2007

International festival of electronic subcultures
May 17-25 2008 Paris / Saint-Ouen

1 – Mal au Pixel call for projects

mal au pixel 2008 call for projects

The Mal au Pixel festival further supports ongoing electronic art practices
and research in the field of new media and technology. The festival presents
experimental installations audiovisual performances practical workshops
and public debates.

The third edition of the festival will focus on the theme of public space.
The notion of public space as been developed in particular by philosopher
Jürgen Habermas during the sixties encompasses all symbolic physical and
virtual dimensions of public space.

Our urban public space is increasingly taken over by technologies designed
for enhancing communication mobility for the information of citizens for
surveillance and control. At the same time as new perspectives for usage
open up the philosophical political and cultural aspects of these new
public spaces evolve and redefine the relations to the other the freedom of
expression and of circulation. And at the same time the private sphere is
increasingly under scrutiny under siege and even exposed.

For this next edition of Mal au Pixel we would like to investigate for
example the question of online public space and virtual communities
interactive installations in the urban space mobile infrastructures and new

We are currently looking for both finalized projects as well as
concepts/prototypes and we encourage people from all disciplines to
participate and send us proposals. Artists researchers architects
designers activists musicians performers engineers VJs etc. you are
all welcome!

We will also support site-specific projects by granting artistic residencies
and providing other production resources.

– the Mal au Pixel staff apologizes in advance for not being able
to send feed-back to all the applicants individually. Please also note that
submission material will in principle NOT be returned.
– Submissions sent to previous Mal au Pixel calls are still valid
and can be updated as necessary.
– Please fill in the submission form (!
– The deadline for sending in applications is November 1st 2007.
– Submission can be sent either by email to
submissions2007(-a-) or by regular post:

Festival Mal au Pixel
Mains d’Oeuvres

Check out the Mal au Pixel 2007 documentation !
Video documentation of
"Democracy ? Do it yourself ! " Mal au Pixel 2007 edition and other videos
to be added soon!
Selection of photos
from Mal au Pixel festival 2007.000 Other tags : malaupixel / mal au pixel /
pixelache / pixelazo

pixelache network news

Pixelache festival originally born in Helsinki continues traveling around
the world with upcoming new events in the Nordic region and in Paris.

SWEDEN * Pixelvärk October 5-6 2007
Mejan Labs is organising the second edition of Pixelvärk in Stockholm as a
part of their Game Art exhibition. The Pixelvärk programme will be announced
Mejan Labs was founded by the Royal University College of Fine Arts in
Stockholm to be an arena for experiments within art. The mission of Mejan
Labs is to introduce artists and forms of art that is never shown anywhere
else in Sweden. (

NORWAY * Piksel November 15-18 2007
BEK independant medialab in Bergen has organized the Piksel festival since
year 2003 an event for artists and developers working with Free/Libre and
Open Source audiovisual software and art.

FINLAND * Pixelache Helsinki march 13-16 2008
Additional information about the next edition of Pixelache in Helsinki
coming soon…

FRANCE * Mal au Pixel May 17-25 2008
* Pixelache @ “Printemps (im)médiat!” May 2008
“Printemps (im)médiat!” is a series of events organized by the Finnish
Institute in Paris in collaboration with several Finnish cultural
organizations including Pixelache. It will take place in Paris during spring
and in parallel with the Mal au Pixel festival.

ICELAND * Pikslaverk spring 2008 (dates to be confirmed)
Lorna organises Pikslaverk for the first time in spring 2008.000 Lorna is an
independant medialab founded in 2002 in Reykjavik that brings together
artists teachers and researchers.

Festival “Mal au Pixel” 2008 Paris.

September 29, 2007

I don’t want pictures I just want to find things out.

Piet Mondrian