September 1, 2008
A site-specific sound installation at Fjell Festing, a 2nd World War German fortification west of Bergen, built to secure the entrance to Bergen.
The fortress supported a main gun turret with a range of 37 km, with a network of tunnels three kilometers long on the surface and in the mountains. It was mainly built by Russian prisoners of war.
September 7, 2008
I’m in Kristiansand this weekend attending the Punkt festival. A very interesting program of day time lectures finished yesterday. Jon Wozencroft when presentation his work with Christian Fennez put forward some very interesting observations and questions on among other things the problems with laptop music as live performance experience. That got me thinking:
Up until the 20th century music was produced through a interaction with physical objects including ones own body. This has influenced the music itself in fundamental ways as well as all conventions concerning how music is practiced performed used and understood. With the advent of digital music musicians are instead interacting with information. Trying to recreate the music practice of the past within a new media e.g. the same kind of physical interaction or attempting to create performance situations where you get the impression that a musician is performing live with correlation between their action on stage and the sounding result might be new wine into old wineskins. The real music of the future might be responses to questions that we have hardly managed to raise yet.