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Blog archive for February 2010

Last month in Jamoma: January 2010

February 4, 2010

Traditionally, January seems to be one of the most active months for Jamoma development. This year was no exception. Here are some highlights:

  • Jamoma Foundation project extended to allow compiling for the iPhone/iPod/iPad.
  • Jamoma DSP expanded through the addition of a new FFT Lib extension for spectral processing, based on the Ooura library.
  • Jamoma DSP’s Filter Lib optimization and clean-up work
  • Jamoma Multicore was largely re-written to address limitations of the internal architecture as it had previously existed.
  • Ruby language binding fleshed out and made to work doing live-coding DSP with Jamoma Multicore.
  • Jamoma Modular saw a continuation of work on the NodeLib (for managing tree structures of modules, parameters, etc.). The Virage DeviceManager (a daemon that loads plug-ins) has now been integrated through a new Max external called jcom.deviceManager. This allows communication with Minuit, OSC, CopperLan and potentially more protocols by building dedicated plugins.
  • Many other things have also been going. Not all of them can be listed, but some include: A UserLib module wrapping ol.autotalent~ (automatic pitch correction for MSP); jmod.cueManager/jcom.cuemanager improvements (cue moving, autofollow and comments features); website improvement; and new modules for motion capture retrieval and processing, including selecting models for marker placement and biomechanics, and GDIF implementation.

Tutorials on spatialisation in Pd

February 21, 2010


Georg Holzmann did a workshop on stereo, multichannel and binaural sound spatialization in Pure-Data at the Linux Audio Conference 2007. The patches are available here and provides a quick overview of how spatialisation is handled in Pd. On the audio graph level it seems to be more or less the same as in Max, as expected.

Jamoma goes fashion

February 26, 2010

FIAT LUX was a collaboration between Josefin Johansson, Daniel Sørensen and Ricardo del Pozo for Oslo Fashion Week, dressing models through the use of video projections, and receiving rave reviews:

In times of financial crisis, recession and too much focus on commercial values in the fashion industry, it’s such a joy and relief to see that there are still a few dedicated souls out there, who create, not with the purpose to make money, but with a pure and honest ambition to share a creative vision, to give us a soulful experience in between art, happening and fashion. Josefin Johansson, designer and stylist for Surferosa and Daniel Sørensen, both fashion designer and light designer and the winner of Project Runway, in a collaboration with AV designer Richardo del Pozo, gave us the most mind-blowing performance last night at Dansens Hus. I don’t think anyone in the audience expected to see a traditional fashion show… we all know that Josefin and Daniel are far from conventional fashion designers, but still, the fantastic, short and intense performance they gave us completely blew our heads off!

Three naked models entered a huge black stage and positioned themselves in the spotlight. Then the show started. Their naked bodies were transformed from blanc canvases into art objects in a spectacular show of light, patterns and colors. It was so clean and simple and still one of the most powerful presentations I have ever seen. We were not allowed to take pictures with flash, because that would have ruined the show, but for those of you who wants to experience a little moment of magic, take a look at YOU TUBE:

For the show Ricardo controlled video using Jamoma and his Jamoma adaptation of Video Projection Tool. More pictures can be found here.