July 1, 2016
Warning: This will be the most boring blog post ever, but I just need to communicate this to future self.
At home I have problems printing PDFs from SendRegning, the online invoicing service I’m using. I don’t know if the problem is with the printer or if the PDFs are ill-formatted. Anyway, after having battled the files for close to two hours, I’ve found a way of using GhostScript to convert them from PDF to JPG. The JPGs print just fine.
In Terminal, cd
into the folder containing the file to convert and run:
gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -r144 -sOutputFile=invoice.jpg invloice.pdf
July 24, 2016
Ambisonic Toolkit for Reaper v.1.0.0.b9 is now available. Some key changes:
- Binaural decoders at all sample rates
- New encoders and decoders for bridging between FuMa and AmbiX (useful for VR authoring)
And two changes that breaks backwards compatibility:
- Azimuth is now positive in counter-clockwise direction
- Quad decoder now has 4 channels out only
More details and link to downloads can be found here.
July 29, 2016
Ingeborg Annie Lindahl – Trond Lossius
29.07. – 07.08 2016
The exhibition at Stiftelsen 3,14 combines a 32 meter mural chalk drawing and 12 channel surround sound into an immersive installation.
Drawings and sound were developed on site over five hectic days in front of the opening. Lindahls chalk-drawing continued to evolve throughout the exhibition period, and as the exhibition period came to an end, the drawing ended in destruction.