August 1, 2023
When I ported this web site to Nanoc last year, video and audio documentation of past works, hosted at Vimeo and SoundCloud, got lost in the transition. Today I finally got around to restore them.
There is a series of works done in recent years that remains to be properly documented and added, one of them being this collaboraiton with Ingeborg Annie Lindahl at Surnalad billag in 2021:
August 4, 2023
DeGrader Demo from Trond Lossius on Vimeo.
The DeGrader VST plug-in is now fully functional, with similar behaviour to the C’74 Max object degrade~ Based on code base for the IEM Ambisonics Plug-in Suite, it can process from two to sixty-four audio channels. The DSP signal processing algorithm is a port from Jamoma DSP code, and hence proof of concept for porting and implementing further DSP algorithms from Jamoma to VST.
In the process, I gradually learn more about C++ development, the IEM code base and the Juce framework.