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Lossius, Trond (2022): Stedet renner gjennom meg. In Jeg TENKTE Ikke at Jeg Skulle Helle LEIREGULVET for å Lage En God LYD, edited by Katrine Køster Holst. TILT 8. Harpefoss, NO: Harpefoss Hotell, pp. 96–117.

Lossius, Trond, ed (2021). One more time, let’s do it again! Editorial. VIS Nordic Journal for Artistic Research, no. 5.

Lossius, Trond, ed (2020). Affecting Material and Technique. Editorial. VIS Nordic Journal for Artistic Research, no. 4.

J. C. Schacher, N. Peters, T. Lossius & Chikashi Miyama (2016): Authoring spatial music with SpatDIF Version 0.4. Proceedings of the 13th SOund & MUsic Computing Conference, Hamburg, pp. 415-421.

T. Lossius & J. Anderson (2016): ATK Reaper: Una versión en plugins JSFX del Ambisonic Toolkit. Ideas Sonica/Sonic Ideas, Centro Mexicano para la Música u las Artes Sonoras.

T. Lossius (2015): Losing myself in the world. In Labor Mülheim. Künstlerisches Forschen im Feldern zwischen Prekarität und Kreativität, ed. by Jürgen Krushe. Jovis Verlag GmbH. ISBN 978-3-86859-360-0, pp. 161-166.

T. Lossius (2014): Lydlandskap – en visuell lydinstallasjon av Line Hvoslef. Text for an exhibition by Line Hvoslef at Visningsrommet USF in the fall 2014.

J. Schacher, C. van Eck, K. Reese, T. Lossius (2014): sonozones. sound art investigations in public places. Journal for Artistic Research, Issue 6, 2014.

T. Lossius & J. Anderson (2014): ATK Reaper: The Ambisonic Toolkit as JSFX plugins. Proceedings of the joint 40th International Computer Music Conference & 11th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Athens, pp. 1338-1345.

T. Lossius, T. de la Hogue, P. Baltazar, T. Place, N. Wolek & J. Rabin (2014): Model-View-Controller separation in Max using Jamoma. Proceedings of the joint 40th International Computer Music Conference & 11th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Athens, pp. 1573-1580.

T. Lossius, N. Wolek, T. de la Hogue & P. Baltazar (2014): Demo: Using Jamama’s MVC features to design an audio effect interface. Proceedings of the joint 40th International Computer Music Conference & 11th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Athens, pp. 1792-1795.

J. C. Schacher, C. Miyama & T. Lossius (2014): The SpatDIF library – Concept and practical applications in audio software. Proceedings of the joint 40th International Computer Music Conference & 11th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Athens, pp. 861-868.

N. Peters, T. Lossius, J. Schacher (2013): The Spatial Sound Description Interchange Format – Principles, Specification, and Examples. Computer Music Journal (CMJ), Vol. 37(1).

T. Lossius (2012): Generative strategies in sound installations Kunstjournalen B-article 2012.

N. Peters , J. Schacher & T. Lossius (2012): SpatDIF specification version 0.3. Technical report. Available online at

N. Peters, T. Lossius, J. Schacher (2012): SpatDIF: Principles, specification, and examples. Proceedings of The 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference, 2012, 11-14 July, Copenhagen.

N. Peters , T. Lossius & T. Place (2012): An automated testing suite for computer music environments. Proceedings of The 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference, 2012, 11-14 July, Copenhagen.

F. Behrendt & T. Lossius (2011): Sonic Interaction Design. Exhibition catalogue. Norwegian Museum of Science, Technology and Medicine, 2011. BEK – Bergen Center for electronic arts.

F. Behrendt & T. Lossius (2011): SID Exhibition, Oslo 2011. In Explorations in Sonic Interaction Design. Edited by D. Rocchesso. Logos Verlag

T. Place, T. Lossius & N. Peters (2010): The Jamoma Audio Graph Layer. Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects. 6-10 September 2010, Graz

T. Place, T. Lossius & N. Peters (2010): A Flexible and Dynamic C++ Framework and Library for Digital Audio Signal Processing. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2010, New York. International Computer Music Association.

I. Henmo (2009): The Biennal as seen by the directors. A conversation with S. Øvstebø (Bergen kunsthall), E. Høyersten (Bergen Art Museum), S. Å. Birkeland (BIT Teatergarasjen), N. Malterud (Bergen National Academy of the Arts) and T. Lossius (BEK). In Localised/Lokalisert. Edited by A. Szefer Karlsen, M. Kvamme & A. Skaug Olsen. Ctrl+z Publishing, Bergen, pp. 53-76.

T. Lossius, P. Baltazar & T. de la Hogue (2009): DBAP – Distance-based amplitude panning. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2009, Montreal. International Computer Music Association.

N. Peters, T. Lossius, J. Schacher, P. Baltazar, C. Bascou & T. Place (2009): A stratified approach for sound spatialization. Proceedings of The 6th Sound and Music Computing Conference, 2009, 23-25 July, Porto.

T. Lossius (2008): Gravitasjonsøvelser. Analog kunst for en digital tidsalder. Katalogtekst til utstilling av Atle Selnes Nielsen ved Visningsrommet USF.

T. Lossius (2008): Controlling spatial sound within an installation art context. Proceeding of the International Computer Music Conference 2008, Belfast. International Computer Music Association.

T. Place, T. Lossius, A. R. Jensenius & Nils Peters (2008): Flexible control of composite parameters in Max/MSP. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, 24-29 August 2008, Belfast.

T. Place, T. Lossius, A. R. Jensenius, N. Peters, P. Baltazare (2008): Addressing classes by differentiating values and properties in OSC. Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME-08), Genova, Italy.

T. Lossius, M. Henriquez & Aa. Grana (2008): Escape. Foreløpig rapport fra forprosjekt ang. etablering av kompetansesenter for flyktig kunst. BEK – Bergen senter for elektronisk kunst

T. Lossius (2007): Sound – Space – Body: Reflections on artistic practice.. Submitted in partial fulfillment for the final evaluation of the research fellowship in the arts. Bergen National Academy of the Arts.

T. Place & T. Lossius (2006): Jamoma: A Modular Standard For Structuring Patches In Max. Proceeding of the International Computer Music Conference 2006, New Orelans. International Computer Music Association.

T. Lossius (2004): Lydinstallasjoner og andre tverrestetiske prosjekter (eller kunsten å sveve mellom alle stoler). Årbok 2003-04. Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen.

D. Pfeiffer & T. Lossius (2002): Symphony of Eigenvalues: A Prototype for Sonification in System Dynamics. Proceedings of the System Dynamics Conference 2002.