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Can you hear the clouds drifting by?


I participated in the summer 2014 program of Galleri Ruth, a drive-in sound-art gallery located in the rural region of Råde in Østfold, Norway.

My contrition was a series of short text readings as sound files. Each text was an exercise inviting the audience to listen attentively to the soundscape at the site of the drive-in gallery. The work was based upon Raymond Murray Schafer’s “ear cleaning” exercises in listening.

Trond Lossius · Tulle Ruth drive-in sound art gallery - field recording



Can you hear the clouds drifting by?

Listen to the sounds around you.
Can you hear five different sounds present right now?

Listen to the sounds around you.
What is the quietest sound you can hear now?

Listen to the sounds around you.
Can you hear some sounds which are moving beyond you?
Can you hear some sounds which are resting?

Listen to the sounds around you.
Which sound is farthest away?

Listen to the sounds around you.
Which sound did you hear as the first in the morning?


The above field recording was recorded at the site of the drive-in gallery a few days prior to the opening, while Tulle Ruth was working to install the drive-in boot, connect the sun-powered energy harvester, and connecting cables. Every now and then she can be heard working on the boot while cars pass by. Headphone listening recommended.



Galleri Ruth is situated in between the fields south of Oslo in Norway. It started out in 2012 as a small contemporary indoor gallery and served wind-powered waffles outside. In the summer months around 2500-3000 cars were passing the gallery each day and many did slow down when they saw the windmill and the gallery – but they did not manage to stop, get out the car and see the art.

In 2013 Galleri Ruth was transformed into a Drive In Sound Gallery. This was an attempt to meet the need and interests of the car drivers and at the same time make it easier to access contemporary sound art by having the car as the gallery space in a beautiful remote and rural setting.

Galleri Ruth is curated by Tulle Ruth.